CERES, a digital platform for training in the circular economy
The Circular Economy Digital Innovation Hub (CE-DHI) is a digital platform where users and SMEs can find a space to discuss issues of ecological transition, courses and information materials on circularity. All in line with the goals of the CERES project. It has now entered the piloting phase, here's how it will work
Circular cities under review: what are the best European cases?
Budapest, Oslo, Florence, Copenhagen, and 50 others, for a total of 16 million inhabitants. These are the cities that have joined the "Circular Cities Declaration". A report by ICLEI highlights their action plans and progress towards circular economy
Interview with Bill Baue: “2023 catastrophic year for sustainability standards”
The judgment is unappealing: sustainability standard setters have thrown away more than a decade without developing authentic sustainability standards. Until we introduce thresholds like planetary boundaries, standards will never measure a company's actual sustainability